Luff you both lots.

The jetty which I jumped off nude on New Years Eve. Forgetting that my friends were all sitting right where I'd have to climb up the ladder.

View from the water back up to the bach in the top left of the picture.

I can read, drink wine and relax... all at the same time. Who said men can't multi-task?

View from the deck of the bach we were staying at in the Marlborough Sounds...

My little car... 1967 Triumph Herald convertible... drove north with the top down and got a wee bit sunburnt.
didn't your mother ever tell you not to rock on your chair?!
that holiday escape looks absolutely blissful. what a lovely treat you had, staying in such nice surrounds.
yes you jumped off the the pitch black. One minute we could hear you yacking away....the next, a splash...the strobe light visuals of a naked man climbing out of the water caught in the flashes of our cameras!!. Sorry ladies. He destroyed all evidence.
Fantastic holiday my main man xxoo
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